Colorado Springs Utilities

                                                                                                                                          Customers & Utilities Connection Hub

An account is required to submit your requests. Please refer to the User Guide: How to Create an Account & Submit a Request

Exciting news!  The Construction & Development Hub is transitioning to the Customers & Utilities Connection Hub!

As we enhance our online customer interaction, this platform will serve as the primary source for obtaining various permits, applications, and forms that were once submitted via paper and email.

​Welcome to the Customers & Utilities Connection Hub. 

​      Where you can submit and check the status of your request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Coming Soon:

- Temporary Water Hydrant Permits        

- Pole Attachments

- Watershed Special Event Applications


​​Submit A Request

​​​​​​​Please create an account or log in to process your request.


​​Track Submittals

​Track what you've submitted to Colorado Springs Utilities.


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