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Economic Development

We make doing business in the Pikes Peak region easy. We offer competitive rates, outstanding service reliability and sustainable plans to ensure a bright future for our community.

A graphic about growing your business in Colorado Springs. The photo is an aerial view of Colorado Springs on a sunny day. Why choose Colorado Springs?

Our dedicated economic development team simplifies decision-making at each phase, from site selection and energy planning to financing and ongoing operations. Our collaboration helps business customers succeed.

How we can help

  • We plan & estimate utility costs.
  • We facilitate site tours & field visits.
  • We lend guidance on electrical & infrastructure requirements.
  • We provide GIS data & mapping.
  • We coordinate on-site energy audits.
  • We administer Economic Development Special Contracts allowing utility specific incentives.

Utility costs and rates

Utility costs can consume a significant portion of operating expenses for any commercial or industrial operation. We offer traditional rates, time of day rates and large power and light rate options for businesses.

Email our team at or call us at (719) 668-7123 to learn more.


Target industries

We provide some of the lowest rates in the western United States, and we are consistently ranked among the best utilities in the nation for customer service and reliability.

Our service is a major reason why Colorado Springs is a magnet for data centers and manufacturing facilities that rely on consistent, reliable power.

We aim to build, innovate and stay at the forefront of the new economic realities.

Our target industries include:

  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Customer Support
  • Cybersecurity
  • Manufacturing

Let us know how we can help your business successfully plug into our vibrant community.


Economic development partners

We work with state, regional and local partners on business and community development as well as leadership development and strategic planning.

Our goal is to make our community one of the most business-friendly in the nation and to create and maintain an environment where businesses can thrive. Our partners include: