Special events in watershed areas

Permits are only issued for activities or projects providing a direct, tangible benefit to the community.

In 2012, City Council approved resolution 37-12, which allows us to consider and issue revocable permits for special events on municipal watershed reservoirs and lands. The south slope of Pikes Peak/South Slope Recreation Area is exempt from the resolution (special event permits will not be issued for that location).

In general, a special event is any temporary organized activity involving the use of, or having impact upon, watershed property, public facilities and reservoirs that varies from its current land use or normal operations. Special event activities include, but are not limited to, festivals, concerts, sporting events, organized walks and runs, trail projects and scientific research. Any organizer of such an event will be required to obtain a permit to conduct the activity.

An administrative process is in place to review and approve special events. The watershed management team works with internal and external partners to evaluate potential event impacts and establish appropriate terms and conditions to protect water quality and operations.

Please submit your application as soon as event details are determined. Timely application submittals are encouraged, and we request you allow approximately six weeks from submittal date for our review and notification response.

Direct any questions to eventrequest@maitung.com.